Keep Your Space Merry and Safe!

Over the next couple of weeks I am going to be highlighting every area of the home and giving my tips and advice on the most important aspects to focus on.

Your bed is super important as you pretty much spend almost half your life sleeping which it allows your body to restore itself. So having the right support and comfort is essential. To me it is not something that you skimp on. I need to take my own advice because my mattress is completely outdated and not supportive anymore! It’s on my “To Do List”.

Good quality linen, duvet covers, throws and pillowcases can be hard to come by, which is why I wanted to share with you a great bedding resource called Parachute.  They have a great range available at affordable prices. Currently, a lot of my friends are after things that have a really natural look to them, so there does not have to be too much fuss about the sheets, they always look clean, they are simple, feel good and neutral.

Here are some of my favourite tricks to making your bed look pretty amazing and just overall effortless.


Focusing on Space Bedrooms


*  Think about it as a composition – Layer the bed with different coloured linen. For example you may have a white flat sheet and loose sheet but then two different combination of colours for the pillowcases and a different colour for the duvet cover.


*  Add character to a bed by adding up to 3 cushions. Yes, see how I did not say 10 cushions? It is very unnecessary to have excessive amounts of small cushions, 3 is enough and it allows you to have two different colour combinations.


*  Have different sized pillows, 2 x large square size and 2 x normal sleeping size.


*  Add texture to the bed by complimenting it with a casual throw to make it feel that extra comfortable and inviting. Your bed is also a great place for journaling, reading, meditating so having a great throw to lie on top of with your normal clothes is a great idea.



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