As we approach the colder months, we begin to see a change in the colours and tones of our natural habitat and environment. The trees become darker, the leaves change colour, the sky illuminates different hues and tones of blue and it gets dark very very quickly. One of my favourite things about the climate change, is that ability to adapt your internal environment easily to suit the weather. Getting out lots of blankets, layering of clothes, changing of bed sheets and wanting to feel warm and cosy in your home is imperative during this time. If you are lucky enough to be in a part of Australia where it does not get too cold then you are extremely lucky in my books, however it does not mean you cannot embrace my new season trend for the colder months.
Naturally it means darker colours and tones in the home to account for the ability to make it feel more insulated and warm. Dark colours do not necessarily mean that a space feels smaller but it allows for a richer experience of the senses and can give the illusion of feeling warmer… yes, it is true.
I wanted to share with you my love for navy and deep rich blue tones for the cooler months. It is such a rich colour and has a range of different applications as well as hues. This means that you can layer it and contrast the colour in clever ways. Blue is also a very calming and relaxing colour, which goes very well for the mood that we want to create in our homes during the colder months. If you are anything like me, you spend way more time in your home during winter, so having that relaxed environment is vital.